Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Mrs. Esposito's 2-Day Morning class (2 1/2 year olds) learned about the color orange this week which consisted of the fall pumpkin.  They really enjoyed playing Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin and you can see that our pumpkin has many, many noses.

We are always finding creative ways of teaching the students about colors and numbers and they have so much fun doing it.


We were happy to have Blas Minor, Chandler Firefighter and husband to our great reading teacher, Richelle Minor, conduct a demonstration today for our Kindergarten classes about fire safety ... Stop, Drop and Roll!

As you can see the children enjoyed the presentation completely.  They learned about keeping below the smoke, being careful of hot doors, to not hide under the bed or in the closet when the firefighters enter the home, calling 911 and much more.

We are always finding ways to keep our children safe.

Mrs. Grismore, Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Rogers, Kindergarten Teachers