Friday, March 25, 2011


Joseph Nseir, Trevor Burgoyne, and Runali Hatalkar
New Vistas 2nd & 4th Grade Students Adopt Entire US Marine Platoon in Afghanistan

Even though 2nd Lt. Emily Lyren is far away from home this year, she and her 40 man US Marine Platoon will not be forgotten.  New Vistas Center for Education 2nd and 4th grade students have adopted Emily and her entire platoon stationed in Afghanistan.  Forty-six students in all will be sending frequent care packages, letters, and gifts to ease the strain of a 6 month deployment to distant combat zones.

The New Vistas 2nd and 4th graders are students of mathematics teacher, Andrea Pearson and daughter, Mandy Pearson, a longtime friend of Emily's.  Andrea states:  "These soldiers often work 18 hour days in grueling heat at a remote combat post where personal time is in short supply.  So imagine a soldier during “mail call” hearing his or her name called out, and being able to physically hold something from “home” that instantly takes them away from the harshness of their surroundings, even if it’s only for a few minutes."  

Dhruv Khatri and Karan Bhullar

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