Saturday, December 18, 2010


Everyone had a spectacular time on Thursday evening at our World's Fair.  Many parents and teachers expressed that they felt it was the 'best one yet'!!

(World's Fair pictures and event information will follow in another post, so please come back to learn more) 

Our last day before Winter break was Friday the 17th!  Everyone was tired after all the work put forth for the World's Fair; however everyone came to school happy and excited to be there.

It was a day for some learning, some sharing and some eating.  Our classes had Secret Book and Sneaky Santa Gift exchanges. 

It was full of pajama parties, goodies (with some healthy munchies too), sharing with all of our friends, thanking parents, students, friends, teachers and staff.  The classes were watching movies, singing, and just plain having loads of fun! 

Some of our preschool and Kindergarten classes made Gingerbread Houses too!

We are sure that with all the wonderful books received as gifts, our students will be reading during the entire winter break.

We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!  We are excited about our return to school on Wednesday, January 5, 2011!  Enjoy!

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