Saturday, January 1, 2011


Our World's Fair was a complete success.  Mother Nature worked hard by raining the entire day, leaving for us what we thought would be a soggy evening, few visitors and wet footprints everywhere.  To our joy, the rain stopped around 5 pm, things dried out and everyone attended!  We were as busy as we usually are during these wonderful events.  Families brought extended family members and friends to enjoy the musical programs, the lights, Santa (who gave up some of his very valuable time a week before Christmas), family photo opportunities, delicious international cakes, and last but not least, the spectacularly decorated rooms showing the hard work and excitement of each and every student!  Our students, teachers and aides worked to the last minute to make this event special, with great success I must say!!  Each classroom was decorated beautifully, with artwork and projects posted for their selected country.

We thank each and every one of you for attending.  Some pictures will be posted below and we will continue to add more as they are made available.

Wilma and Betty with Mrs. Shipley

Evan Shipley's Volcano

Mrs. Holmes, Cayden Holmes, Mrs. Bobadilla

Ethan Rosenberg with Santa
Mrs. Miller / Mrs. Randall's USA Flag

Mrs. Hira / Mrs. Miller's French Quarter

Yummy Cake!!!

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